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22 Feb 2016

GK & GS Exam Test-1

1. P.Gopichand is associate with:
1) Tennis                                                            2) Golf
3) Badminton                                                     4) Hockey

Answer : 3

2. Which oxide of nitrogen is formed when ammonium nitrate is heated?
1) NO                                                                  2) NO2
3) NO                                                                  4) N2O5
Answer : 3

3. Energy in the sun is produced as a result of:
1) Fusion                                                             2) Combustion
3) Explosion                                                        4) Thermo nuclear Fission
Answer : 1

4. Ampere is used to measure:
1) Temperature                                                                2) Current
3) Light                                                                           4) Weight
Answer : 2

5. The strongest reducing agent among the following acids is:
1) Formic acid                                                   2) Acetic Acid
3) Propionic Acid                                              4) Chloro Acetic Acid
Answer : 3

6. The amount of heat required to convert 5 gms of ice at -20°C to steam at 100°C
1) 675 calorie                                                                     2) 3775 calorie
3) 3650 calorie                                                                   4) 3725 calorie
Answer : 4

7. Bernoulli's theorem is applicable to-
1) Flow of liquids                                                            2) Viscocity
3) Surface tension                                                           4) Static fluid pressure
Answer : 4

8. Tulsidas became famous during the reign of-
1) Sher Shah Suri                                                               2) Humayun
3) Shahjahan                                                                      4) Akbar
Answer : 4

9. Amino acids are produced by the hydrolysis of-
1) Fat                                                                                 2) Carbohydrates
3) Proteins                                                                          4) Nucleic Acid
Answer : 3

10. The colors of thin film result due to-
1) dispersion of light                                                     2) scattering of light
3) polarization of light                                                   4) interference of light
Answer : 5

11. The series 'BDFH' is related to "JLNP" in the same way as "RTVX" is related to-
1) YZAB                                                                                 2) STMN
3) ZBDF                                                                                 4) ZBFD
Answer : 3

12. "The Sphinx" is located in-
1) Egypt                                                                                2) Iraq
3) China                                                                                4) Europe
Answer : 1

13. Which is the missing number in the following series?..........., 10, 17, 26, 37
1) 06                                                                                      2) 09
3) 05                                                                                      4) 08
Answer : 3

14. The first man to go into space was-
1) Neil Armstrong                                                            2) Lyka
3) Yuri Gagarin                                                                4) Edward Aldrin
Answer : 3

15. Electrolysis of aqueous solution of sodium succinctness gives-
1) C2H6                                                                                 2) C2H2
3) C2H4                                                                                 4) C3H6
Answer : 2

16. Dr. Christian Barnard performed the first-
1) Kidney transplant                                                       2) Liver transplant
3) Heart transplant                                                         4) Pancreas transplant
Answer : 3

17. All the radio active changes are-
1) Zero order reaction                                                  2) First order reaction
3) Second order reaction                                              4) Third order reaction
Answer : 2

18. Four of the following pairs have a logical relationship. Which one of them does
1) SHOE : SOCK                                                               2) COAT : SHIRT
3) CAP : TURBAN                                                             4) NEEDLE : THREAD
Answer : 3

19. When two waves of same frequency and same amplitude traveling in opposite
directions in a straight line overlaps they give rise to:
1) beats                                                                          2) interference
3) stationary waves                                                         4) harmonics
Answer :  3

20. Nalanda University was a great center of learning, especially in ………..
1) Buddhism                                                                     2) Jainism
3) Vaishnavism                                                                  4) Tantra
Answer : 1


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